excel is fun

Highline Excel 2013 Class Video 25: Goal Seek: Get Formula To Evaluate To Desired Result

3-Way Lookup Adding: XLOOKUP or INDEX inside SUMIFS? –- Excel Magic Trick 1602

Excel Magic Trick 1406: Calculate Moving Average with AVEARGEIFS & EOMONTH Functions

Excel Magic Trick 1543: MAXIFS & MINIFS to Lookup Numbers on Either Side of Hurdle

Excel Basics 21: Relationships Rather than VLOOKUP for PivotTable Reports (Excel 2016 Data Model)

Excel Dynamic Array UNIQUE with INDIRECT To Extract Unique Lists for Each Column (EMT 1522)

Create Excel Database and Data Entry Form. Excel Magic Trick 1690.

Excel Two Way Lookup with VLOOKUP & MATCH Functions - Excel Magic Trick 1567

Kids' Guide to Microsoft Excel.

Mr Excel & excelisfun Trick 120: Summarize By Week and Month, Monthly Totals, Weekly Totals

How to Beautify Tables in Microsoft Excel

Excel Magic Trick 894: Extract Records Between Two Dates: Filter or Formula

Excel Mangare - Have Fun Go Mad

Excel Dynamic Arrays: Cross Tabulated Report, Totals Top & Left MMULT Array Function (EMT 1526)

Excel Index Match Tutorial

Excel Magic Trick 1068: TEXT and FIXED functions for Formatting Numbers in Text Formulas

Excel Magic Trick 891: Dynamic Subtotals Using Table Feature and SUMIF or SUMIFS functions

Excel Dynamic Arrays: Fully Dynamic Cross Tabulated Reports? Unbelievable! EMT 1520

IF Function in Excel Tutorial

Merry Christmas Tree Fun In Excel RAND Function and Conditional Formatting (Excel Magic Trick 1245)

All Basic Formulas and Functions of Excel you must know || Basic Formulas in Excel || Urdu / Hindi

📊 How to Build Excel Interactive Dashboards

How to use the SUMIF function in Microsoft Excel

MSPTDA 04: Power Query: Import Multiple Excel Files & Combine (Append) into Proper Data Set